Install webpack cli
Install webpack cli

install webpack cli

Initially we’ll just be focusing on creating a simple react app with the least amount of dependencies to get the react app working. With those files in place we can turn our attention to our Webpack setup. We can also create a sub directory called components which will hold our react components. Inside our src folder we can create a index.js file which will be the entry point for our React app. We will also be creating a src folder inside our project root directory that will hold our JavaScript and JSX files for our React application. Inside dist folder we can create a index.html file as well as a bundle.js file which will be our webpack bundled and compiled JavaScript. First, in our project directory create a dist folder which will hold all of our webpack compiled scripts and our main entry javascript file for our react application along with css files that we will be adding. We can also create our folder structure and add some required files that we will need for our project.

#Install webpack cli install

Since this is a react application we’ll need to install some react dependencies: npm i react react-dom We can make sure that we can use a dependency manager like npm by initializing a package.json by executing: npm init -y We can first create a project folder called react-webpack-config and change into the directory. Let’s start off by creating our folder structure for our React project. Adding ESLint to your JavaScript and JSX files for React.Adding PostCSS and PostCSS plugins to your Webpack Config.Configuring MiniCssExtractPlugin to write CSS Files.Configuring Webpack Dev Server and Hot Module Replacement.Configuring Babel Presets for JavaScript Compiling for React.In this tutorial we’ll look at various webpack configuration options for you React application including:

install webpack cli

But what if you need to customize the webpack configuration to include other pre or post processing loaders for your application? The CRA provides a lot of webpack utilities for you but sometime you need to create (and understand) your own webpack configuration. If you are creating a react application it’s quick and easy to jump to using the create react app (CRA) provided by the React development team. Webpack Config for React Including Babel Presets, Webpack Dev Server, Hot Module Replacement, MiniCssExtractPlugin, PostCSS and Eslint Autofix

Install webpack cli